
Workshop: Remote Sensing for Lakes, Spain July 5, 2024

A specialised workshop on Remote Sensing for Lakes is to be held at the 26th annual and international workshop on Physical Process in Natural Waters on 5 July, 2024, in University of Girona, Spain.

The Workshop will explore the advancements in satellite-derived products for monitoring inland water ecosystems, offering insights into their dynamics and interaction with the environment. Contributions utilising remote sensing methods and modeling to understand the impacts of climatic and anthropogenic factors on inland waters’ health are encouraged.

The session will also describe and explore the long-term global satellite records developed as part of the ESA Climate Change Initiative’s ECV Lakes project. These data span 1992-2020, comprise over 2,000 lakes and address a basket of requirements defined by the Global Climate Observing System.

Interested researchers are invited to share their research findings and receive valuable feedback.
Abstract submission deadlineApril 2, 2024 via the workshop website

US National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference, Anchorage AK

Call for Proposals: National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC). Applications Due: April 17, 2024. The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals – Tribes and Climate Change Program is excited to announce that the Call for Proposals is now open for the National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) 2024. This year’s theme is Shared Responsibility for Indigenous Climate Resilience. The National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) invites you to submit proposals that discuss climate-related impacts, assessments, tools, adaptation, mitigation, actions, and the intersection of western science and adaptation strategies with Traditional/Indigenous Knowledges. This conference aims to provide the space and opportunity to share and learn from one another.

Submission Information:
•    Presentation Proposals Due: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
•    Letter of Notification: Monday, June 3, 2024

Click here for more information:

Oceania Geospatial: Mar 13th webinar launching the “Water Resources” working group,

The Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022, held in Nouméa, was a major milestone for the advancement of geospatial actions for the Pacific Islands. In addition to the signing of the “Constellation Statement” by the officials present, all participants were able to prioritize and frame, through collaborative and inclusive work, no less than 6 regional projects deemed to be capable of and needing to be carried out in collaboration.

The primary objective of this work is to enable everyone to actively contribute to the development of regional geospatial activities, around priority themes for our islands.

Thanks to the mobilization of the OGS and CPS teams, we are pleased to announce the launch of the 2 projects on the theme of “Water Resources”.

In order to present our approach and the various stages planned, to gather your constructive feedback to improve it and to launch together this new regional initiative on an essential theme, we are delighted to invite you to the launch webinar of the “Water Resources” working group, an integral part of our vast Community of Oceania Geospatial.

When: Wednesday March 13th

Time: 9am UTC+12 (Fiji time)

Registration link

Language: English

Programme [1h30]:

  • From Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022 to Community of Oceania Geospatial (COG)
  • COG – Water Resources (WR) workgroup: introduction, objectives and projects, interaction with LinkedIn group,…
  • COG-WR: timetable proposition for 2024: webinars, challenges, hackathon, OGS2024,…
  • Questions and answers

We can’t wait to meet you there again !!

Mme Pearl WINCHESTER (NC geospatial animation)

Nicholas METHERALL (Pacific Community – SPC)


Chère Communauté Géospatiale d’Océanie,

Bonjour à tous,

L’Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022, qui s’est tenu à Nouméa, a constitué un jalon majeur pour l’avancée des actions en géospatial pour les îles du Pacifique. Au-delà de la signature d’une déclaration par les officiels présents, le “Constellation Statement”, l’ensemble des participants ont pu prioriser et cadrer, via des travaux collaboratifs et inclusifs, non moins de 6 projets régionaux estimés comme pouvant et devant être menés en collaboration.

L’objectif premier de ces travaux est de permettre à chacun de contribuer activement au développement des activités régionales en géospatial, autour de thèmes prioritaires pour nos îles.

Grâce à une mobilisation de l’équipe de l’OGS et de la CPS, nous avons aujourd’hui le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement des 2 projets liés au thème des “Ressources en eau”.

Afin de vous présenter la démarche envisagée et les différentes étapes prévues, de recueillir vos retours constructifs pour l’améliorer et de lancer ensemble cette nouvelle initiative régionale sur un thème essentiel, nous sommes ravis de vous convier au webinaire de lancement du groupe de travail “Water Resources”, partie intégrante de notre vaste Communauté Géospatiale d’Océanie.

Date : Mercredi 13 mars 2024

Heure : 9h UTC+12 (Fiji time)

Lien pour s’inscrire

Langue : Anglais

Au programme [1h30] :

  • Introduction: de l’Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022 à la Communauté d’Océanie en Géospatial (COG)
  • Présentation du groupe de travail COG – Water Resources (WR): introduction, objectifs et projets, interaction sur le groupe LinkedIn,…
  • COG-WR: proposition de rencontres pour 2024: webinaires, challenges, hackathon, OGS 2024,…
  • Echanges, questions/réponses

Nous avons hâte de vous retrouver pour échanger avec vous sur ces sujets d’intérêt commun !

Mrs Pearl WINCHESTER (Animation géospatiale de la NC)

Nicholas METHERALL (Communauté du Pacifique – CPS)
