Dear GEO AquaWatch Community,
On May 20th, 2020 we invited you to participate in a community discussion focused on the challenges and opportunities of EO-based Aquatic Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for water quality monitoring and assessment. We define ARD as the systematic radiometric, atmospherically, geometrically and spatially corrected full archive EO data sets of normalized water leaving radiance or reflectance. The objectives of this meeting were to explain the concept of ARD, show examples of aquatic ARD, unique challenges related to implementing ARD in aquatic systems, progress and products to date, and enlist members for an ad hoc Aquatic ARD committee. Here you’ll find an agenda and Discussion Document. You can view the video of the community discussion here.
Thank you!
Sent on behalf of GEOAquaWatch Leadership Arnold Dekker, Paul DiGiacomo, and Steve Greb.