
Policy Brief: Satellite Earth Observation for the Sustainable Management of African Great Lakes

Congratulations to GEO AquaWatch Steering Committee Chair Dr. Emma Tebbs, Kings College London, GEO AquaWatch Early Career Society member, James Nyaga, Regional Centre for the Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), colleagues at King’s College London, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), and African Center for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE), and for their recently issued Policy Brief on the use of EO for management decision-making in African Great Lakes.   Thanks for leading the charge on Water Quality EO for the benefit of society! You can find their policy brief here.


Ocean Color Remote Sensing Specialist Job – USA

IBSS is hiring an Ocean Color Remote Sensing Specialist to develop hyperspectral oceanographic remote sensing products that are applicable to the NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) and future ocean color missions. The remote sensing specialist will work with a team of federal (NOAA/NEFSC/EDAB) and academic scientists to compile and collect in situ optical measurements and create operational products relevant for fisheries science and ecosystem based management.

We would appreciate you sharing this posting with potential candidates who have expertise in ocean color remote sensing data and algorithm development. A strong candidate will also have good coding and communication skills, and be expected to lead efforts to transition newly developed products to operational status.

Please distribute this notice widely to those you believe may be interested and are strong candidates for this position.  This is not a NOAA position.

If you have any questions, please contact Lacey Bluemel (

Sr. Phd/Postdocs! New NSF Accelnet BioGeoSCAPES Fellows Program

We are excited to launch a BioGeoSCAPES Fellows program funded by the NSF AccelNet award Development of an International Network for the Study of Ocean Metabolism and Nutrient Cycles on a Changing Planet (BioGeoSCAPES). This new program will bring together an international, interdisciplinary cohort of early career (postdocs and senior graduate students) researchers working in the areas of ocean metabolism, biogeochemical cycling, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, and marine microbiology. We encourage applicants from both experimental and modeling backgrounds.
Program goals

  1. Develop an international community of early career BioGeoSCAPES scientists
  2. Catalyze research collaborations among BioGeoSCAPES science disciplines
  3. Support international collaborations and development of global BioGeoSCAPES scientist communities
  4. Develop the next generation of leaders in ocean biogeochemistry

Each Fellow will each receive up to 5,000 USD professional development award that can be used for travel related to laboratory exchanges, courses, workshops or conferences (this award can be spent over a ~2 year period). A cohort of up to 8 Fellows will participate in monthly networking events for at least one year, as well as an in-person workshop in summer 2024.
Eligibility and Application Instructions

Postdoctoral researchers and senior graduate students from any nation who are working on BioGeoSCAPES-relevant research are eligible to apply.

Submit your application (including an abbreviated 2-page CV) by June 15.

If you cannot use Google Forms, please contact to apply.

Applications are due June 15, 2023 and will be reviewed shortly thereafter. Applicants will be informed by August, and cohort activities will begin September, 2023. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Applicant’s readiness level to benefit from professional development activities of the Fellows Program
  2. Quality, novelty, and relevance (to BioGeoSCAPES mission) of applicant’s research activities to date
  3. Applicant’s authentic experience and/or interest in interdisciplinary research endeavors
  4. Applicant’s leadership experience and/or potential to help advance the BioGeoSCAPES mission


End User Outlooks on Earth Observation – a PrimeWater and IWA webinar

The PrimeWater – A Horizon2020 Project and the International Water Association are hosting the ‘End User Outlooks on Earth Observation’ webinar on 18 May 2023 at 12:00 London time.

The focus of this webinar is to gather opinions and feedback from an expert panel of EO practitioners on the use of the services provided by PrimeWater.

Register now!