
UN-WMO International Conference on Space and Global Health, Geneva

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has opened the registration for the upcoming United Nations/World Health Organization International Conference on Space and Global Health, which will take place in Geneva from 1-3 November in person only. Registration is open until 10 September using the following link:

 For additional information concerning the conference please check: United Nations/World Health Organization International Conference on Space and Global Health (

Very limited funding might be available for participants from emerging and developing countries. The Office for Outer Space Affairs is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance in its programs and ensuring a balanced representation from different perspectives. Women are encouraged to apply.

 Additional background documents:

Job opportunities at SIEC/UStirling!

🚨 Job alert! 🚨 SIEC at UStirling is currently advertising five new positions in Scotland’s International Environment Centre working on the ⁦#ForthERA project. With two further positions to follow very shortly!

Scotland’s International Environment Centre (SIEC) at the University of Stirling is hiring!

Come join our growing team working on the ground-breaking Forth-ERA project. We have a number of new positions now available:

• SIEC Data Centre Technical Manager
• Scientific Project Coordinator
• Data Engineer (Backend Specialist)
• Senior Technical Specialist (Sensor Networks)
• Technical Specialist (Sensor Networks / Fieldwork Support)

And we will be shortly advertising the following roles:

• Frontend developer (WebGIS)
• Research Fellow in Earth Observation (Water Quality)

Learn more and apply here:

Check out GEO AquaWatch Members Speaking on CyAN!

Check out GEO AquaWatch Members Blake Schaeffer (USEPA) and Megan Coffer (NOAA) among others speaking to the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators on the CyAN project September 19th!



On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 4:00 – 5:00 pm (eastern time), ASDWA will hold a webinar about the Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) potential for satellite monitoring of drinking water sources. CyAN is a multi-agency project among US EPA, NASA, NOAA, and USGS to develop a satellite early warning indicator system for cyanobacterial blooms in U.S. freshwater systems. This webinar will provide an overview of the pros and cons of satellite imagery as an additional tool for monitoring drinking water sources. The webinar speakers are:

      • Blake Schaeffer, Research Scientist, US EPA
      • Bridget Seegers, Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
      • Megan Coffer, Research Scientist, NOAA and Global Science & Technology, Inc
      • Julie Harvey, Drinking Water Protection Program Coordinator, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
      • Daniel Sobota, Senior Water Quality Specialist, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

        Find out more and register here!

“Gaia4All: Indigenous Hackathon for Global Early Warning”

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Challenge Overview:

“Gaia4All: Indigenous Hackathon for Global Early Warning” is a groundbreaking, Indigenous-led innovation challenge committed to contribute to the overarching UN goal of providing effective early warning systems for storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves in all parts of the world by 2027. With climate change impacts escalating, timely early warnings have become a pressing need to safeguard lives and livelihoods.

This transformative challenge is guided by the principles of the “Indigenous Hackathon” fostering the co-creation of technological solutions that integrate scientific, local, and Indigenous knowledge. Our collective goal is to make early warnings universally accessible and embraced, particularly by Indigenous and underrepresented communities, empowering them to proactively mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events.

Join us in this audacious journey to harness the collective intelligence of the crowd to strengthen global resilience, protect lives and foster sustainable futures. Let’s work towards  a world where early warning systems are available to everyone anywhere, leaving no community behind in the face of climate uncertainty. Let’s unite as planet guardians, making a lasting impact for generations to come.

When: October 28-29

Where: Online

Sign up here to keep informed and share your interest to participate as a hacker, mentor or sponsor:

For sponsorship inquiries or more information, please contact

GEO Indigenous Water Summit 2023 – Abstracts due October 6th

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The GEO Indigenous Alliance is pleased to announce the GEO Indigenous Water Summit 2023, to be held online from 25-27 October 2023. Building on the tremendous success of the GEO Indigenous Summit 2020, which brought together Indigenous leaders, NGOs, Indigenous youth, academics and UN institutes to discuss Indigenous-led innovations in Earth observations, this year’s Summit aims to deepen the exploration of water conservation and sustainability. In line with the United Nations’ Declaration of 2023 as the Year of Water, the Summit will provide a platform to showcase Indigenous Earth observation innovations that address water issues and highlight the role of Indigenous knowledge in building a sustainable future.

When: October 25-27

Where: Online

Themes and Topics:

  • Indigenous Earth Observation Innovations for Water: Showcasing the latest advancements in Earth observation technologies, satellite data, and Indigenous-led research to address water-related challenges and promote sustainability.
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Future: Exploring the role of Indigenous knowledge in building a resilient society and achieving sustainable development goals, particularly in the context of water conservation and management.
  • Public and Private Sector Initiatives: Investigating the evolving relationship between Indigenous communities and the business sector, identifying opportunities for collaboration, and highlighting the economic benefits of Indigenous-led Earth observation initiatives.
  • Climate Change and Water: Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources and exploring Indigenous perspectives, adaptations, and resilience strategies.
  • Indigenous Science and Society: Examining the integration of Indigenous science and traditional knowledge with Earth observation data and technologies, and their significance in informing policy and decision-making processes.
  • “GAIA4All Indigenous Hackathon for Early Warning Systems”: Building capacity within Indigenous youth and local communities, empowering them to develop their own Earth observation-based solutions towards water challenges.

Sign up here to keep informed:

Lightning talks session:  Lightning talks are 3 minute pre-recorded presentations related to the themes of the Summit. To submit an abstract complete this form by Friday, October 6th, 2023.

For sponsorship inquiries or more information, please contact