
AMERIGEO, EUROGEO, and AFRIGEO Week Announcements!

AmeriGEO Week 2024 is almost here!

This year’s event will be held from 26 to 30 August in Quito, Ecuador. Its theme is “Adaptándonos para un futuro resiliente, con inteligencia terrestre” or “Adapting for a resilient future with Earth Intelligence.”

In addition to the six plenary keynote sessions below, there will be a disaster risk management fair highlighting local efforts, a variety of side events and training offered, and a regional Americas Caucus meeting.

The plenary sessions for this year’s event includes:

Session 1: Disasters and Risk Management
Session 2: Achieving the Aguascalientes Commitments
Session 3: Marine and Ocean Health
Session 4: Implementation of the Post 2025 GEO Strategic Plan
Session 5: Looking toward COP28: One Health Partnerships to Accelerate Climate Action
Session 6: Security for Development

Register now via the AmeriGEO Week 2024 website and keep an eye out for more information as we get closer to the event. Already registered and can’t wait for August, check out the video our colleagues at GEO Ecuador made for a preview!

Kindly reach out to the secretariat ( with any questions.

Invitation to the EuroGEO Workshop 2024: 

We are pleased to inform you that the 2024 edition of the EuroGEO Workshop will take place in Krakow Poland, from 8 to 10 October 2024, at the Holiday INN, an IHG Hotel.

The EuroGEO Workshop 2024 is jointly organised by the European Commission and the EuroGEO Secretariat with the support of the Polish Space Agency (POLSA).  The Key message is“COMBINE, COORDINATE, COOPERATE: Welcome to the new era of EuroGEO”  

Register here.

EGW24 will:

Mobilise and revitalise the EuroGEO Action Groups and harness synergies across research and EO industry around strategic focus areas.

Foster the maximisation of research & innovation impact for the benefit of end users, engaging academia and the industry.

Engage with national GEO activities, showcasing the EO expertise and synergies contributing to EuroGEO and GEO.

Facilitate peer exchanges highlighting the European contribution to GEO

Build a consensus on the adoption of a revised EuroGEO implementation plan as a contribution to GEO post-25 strategy.

On the EuroGEO workshop 2024 webpage you can find the outline of the programme (draft) as well as a list of the suggested hotels and transport means for travel from the airport to the venue.

The registrations are NOW open.  Important Note! Registrations close on September 13, 2024

AFRIGEO Symposium

AfriGEO invites you to the 8th AfriGEO Symposium which will be held from 12th to 15th of August at RCMRD in Nairobi, Kenya. The theme of the symposium is, “Earth Intelligence for Africa.”


The AfriGEO symposia have been held annually since 2016. They are an opportunity for the AfriGEO Community to network, share and build meaningful collaboration and partnerships that support and address varied developmental challenges on the continent using earth observation.


The symposium will have 10 key sessions: Session 1: EO in supporting National Priorities, Session 2: EO for Disaster Risk Reduction, Session 3: EO for Agriculture and Food Security, Session 4: Post 2025 GEO Strategy, Session 5: Strengthening National Coordination, Session 6: Data and Infrastructure, Session 7: EO for Sustainable Land and Forest Management, Session 8: Africa Connect , Session 9: Innovation Lounge and Youth Session, Session 10: EO AfriGEO capacity building Fund Setup.


The AfriGEO Symposium will focus on AfriGEO’s thematic areas:

  • Agriculture, Food Security, Soil Moisture and Agricultural Outreach Support
  • Biodiversity, Land degradation and Sustainable Forest Management
  • Land Cover for Africa, Land administration, Sustainable Urban Development
  • Blue Economy and Water Resource Management
  • Climate Services and Adaptation.
  • Health, Air Quality and Disaster Management.
  • Innovation, Data and Infrastructure

Register now through this link to attend, participate or submit your abstract (max 300 words) for the session you would like to contribute to.

Abstracts submission deadline was 30th June.

Workshop: Unlocking the Global Benefits of EO Water Quality Monitoring


“Unlocking the Global Benefits of Water Quality Monitoring through Earth Observation”

The University of Stirling’s Earth and Planetary Observation Research Group invite you to attend a workshop to address one of the most important questions within aquatic remote sensing, how can more people and more countries benefit from satellite-based Earth observation of water? Available satellite data and products for monitoring water quantity and water quality have advanced in the last decade, and individual countries need to grow capacity to ensure their own autonomy in benefiting from Earth observation to meet their own specific needs and agendas, whilst also supporting global initiatives, including Sustainable Development Goals. This workshop will address this critical issue by collectively exploring the challenges and opportunities to deliver a series of strategies that are specific to different global economic groups (low, lower-middle, upper-middle and high income countries) and the unique context of each group. Join us to shape a future in which all can benefit from Earth observation of water.

“Unlocking the Global Benefits of Water Quality Monitoring through Earth Observation” 

Dynamic hackathon-style workshop event

28th to 30th August 2024  (Do not apply if you are unable to attend during these dates.  This is an In-Person workshop only and partial attendance is not possible.  Only those fully self-funded for all expenses are invited to apply)

University of Stirling, Scotland

Apply here (applications closed)

This 3-day in person event is hosted by the University of Stirling, and is co-organised by UNEP’s World Water Quality Alliance, and GEO AquaWatch. Additional organisation support has been received from the World Meteorological Organization.
Please distribute widely within your organisations and communities. This event welcomes anyone in the water or remote sensing domains, whom is interested in expanding the benefits of Earth observation in their country. 
The application period has been extended until July 10th, 2024, 23:59 UTC for those who are fully self-funded. Participants from outside of the United Kingdom will require a Standard Visa (Business Route) which can be applied for before making travel arrangements (more info). Letters of invitation can be requested in the application.
For more information and to apply, see  the website:

NASA JPL hosts July 15th/17:00 UTC EMIT Aquatic Tools Tagup – HyperCoast Demonstration

NASA-JPL is very excited to host our first EMIT Aquatic Tag-Up on Monday, July 15 10 AM Pacific Daylight Time/ 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time/17:00 UTC.

Dr. Bingqing Liu, EMIT Science Team member, will provide a demonstration of HyperCoast, an open-source toolbox for visualizing and analyzing EMIT imagery.

Please register for the tag-up here and feel free to share widely with your networks.

DARA Post-Docs in Earth Observation in African SKA Partner Country Institutions

Category: Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships 

Institution: African SKA Partner Country Institutions 

Number of Positions Available: 12 

Duration: Until 31st March 2027 

Could the duration be extended? No 

Work Arrangement: In-Person 

Job Description 

The Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (DARA) project will fund up to 12  post-doctoral Fellowship positions in universities and institutions located in the SKA  African Partner Countries (APCs). The APCs are Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia,  Botswana, Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius. Research programmes in  astrophysics relevant to radio astronomy will be prioritized, but complementary multi wavelength areas will also be considered. Projects that utilize machine learning (ML)  or artificial intelligence (AI) approaches are also encouraged. Researchers from the  Earth Observation (EO) and Space Science fields can also apply where they  propose to use ML/AI techniques that have synergies with those useful for  astrophysics and can contribute to a strong collaborative environment in data  science. 

Fellows will be supported by collaborators and mentors from the DARA team of  academics and space sector industrial partners from the UK and South Africa.  Fellows will become part of the emerging community of African researchers that will  be in a strong position to utilize facilities on the African continent such as the Square  Kilometre Array.  

Fellows will also be encouraged to take part in the development and delivery of  training programmes in Africa related to initiatives by DARA, SARAO and others. As  part of SARAO’s Africa Programme, two-element training interferometer dishes of 3- 4 m diameter will be deployed in each APC as well as Transient Array Radio  Telescopes (TARTs). There is potential for the 3-4 m dishes to also be used for the  downlink of satellite EO data. The aim is to enable space sector hubs where radio  astronomy, remote sensing, space AI applications and entrepreneurship can thrive.  Candidates are expected to be committed to remaining in the APC long-term and the  host institution is encouraged to offer a permanent position once the fellowship ends. 

The DARA programme is funded by the UK’s International Science Partnerships  Fund as part of Official Development Assistance (UK overseas aid). Hence, citizens  from developing countries in Africa are particularly encouraged to apply. The programme is committed to promoting gender equality and therefore we actively  encourage applications from female candidates. 

Compensation and Benefits 

Compensation Type: Salary

Included Benefits: The position comes with dedicated funds of up to £11,000 per year to cover the cost  of travel for the postdoctoral fellow. This will include travel to conferences and visits  to collaborators in the UK, South Africa or elsewhere in Africa. £5,000 will be  available for a research workstation computer. A further £10,000 is available for a  research grade GPU chip if required by the proposed research. 

Compensation Notes: The exact salary level is to be agreed between the host institute and the DARA  project and should be between a minimum for a typical junior lecturer at the host  institution and a maximum that equates to a take home rate equivalent to the  SARAO postdoctoral bursary rate of ZAR450,000 per year. 

Application Details 

Application Instructions The positions can start as soon as possible and are funded up to 31st March 2027.  Later start dates will also be considered. Performance will be monitored by the  DARA project every 6 months with continued funding to the project end dependant  on satisfactory progress.  

Applicants must have already obtained a PhD in Astrophysics, Space Science or  Earth Observation, or be in a position to obtain one prior to their proposed start date. 

The applicant needs to get the agreement of an institution based in an APC to host  their Fellowship. Teaching and/or administrative duties must not take up more than 6  hours per week of the Fellow’s time. Both the applicant and the host institution need  to fill out their respective applications forms available from the link below. The  completed forms, together with a CV and a science case (maximum of 3 pages in  11pt font) from the applicant, need to be emailed as PDFs to the DARA Principal  Investigator, Prof Melvin Hoare at by the 21st July 2024.  The applicant should name two referees and request that they send letters of  recommendation to the same address by the deadline. 

If you have any questions about the position or application procedure, or with issues  in finding a suitable host institution, do not hesitate to write to Prof Melvin Hoare at  

Application forms can be found here


Contribute to Citizen Science Best Practices – IHE Delft/Dickinson College

We’re reaching out on behalf of IHE Delft and Dickinson College-ALLARM to connect with you on our mutual interest in promoting best practices for leveraging  citizen/community science in natural resource management, and specifically water resources.  They are currently compiling guidelines for practitioners and researchers on effective approaches for designing water-related citizen/community science initiatives: for achieving intended goals, for recruiting diverse audiences, and for sustaining participation over time.

To that end, we would like to ask for your input regarding relevant resources to inform best practices in designing water-related citizen/community science programs, such as academic or grey literature, reviews, evaluation reports, organizational resources, project deliverables and/or case studies in which you have participated or are aware of. We will be sure to cite and acknowledge your contributions.

Please send links/DOI or attachments to Resources received by 21 July 2024 will be included in the analysis.