AquaWatch Algorithm Focus Group Kickoff Meeting

If you are interested in informing the role AquaWatch will play in the community for algorithms, join this 1 hour call! Algorithms Working Group Meeting Mon, Nov 9, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (GMT) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United … Continue reading "AquaWatch Algorithm Focus Group Kickoff Meeting"

AquaWatch ARD Focus Group Meeting – 2nd in series

GEOAquaWatch Invites interested community participants to the second Analysis Ready Data Focus Group Meeting.  If you missed the first, don't worry!  You can jump right in!  Please read the draft document linked below prior to the meeting so you are prepared to contribute to the discussion. CARD4L Product Specification - Aquatic Reflectance_draft_30_Oct_2020 GEOAquaWatch ARD Focus … Continue reading "AquaWatch ARD Focus Group Meeting – 2nd in series"