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GEO AquaWatch Project Updates Webinar Series – Marine Coastal Theme
April 29, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

GEO AquaWatch Project Update Lightning Talks Webinar Series.
A 3 week series offering an opportunity to hear various speakers provide AquaWatch Community project updates in a series of lightning round talks!
April 29th – Marine Coastal Theme – 2pm UTC
14:00 UTC Welcome & Introductions Host: Steven Greb, GEO AquaWatch Director; Moderators: Marie “Cindy” Lebrasse, ORISE fellow, USEPA, Ph.D. Candidate at North Carolina State University and Veloisa Mascarenhas, Research Fellow, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK
14:05 UTC Avi Putri Pertiwi, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany, Coastal turbid zone detection using Sentinel-2 imageries on Google Earth Engine cloud platform. Co-Authors: Dimosthenis Traganos and Chengfa Benjamin Lee, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
14:15 UTC Dimitry Van Der Zande, RBINS, Belgium, The New High-Resolution Coastal Service within CMEMS. Co-Authors: Kerstin Stelzer, Brockmann Consult; Martin Böttcher, Brockmann Consult; Carole Lebreton, Brockmann Consult; Joao Cardoso dos Santos, RBINS; Sindy Sterckx, VITO; Quinten Vanhellemont, RBINS; Kevin Ruddick, RBINS; and Carsten Brockmann, Brockmann Consult
14:25 UTC Veronica Lance, NOAA, USA, NOAA CoastWatch/OceanWatch/PolarWatch makes the link from aquatic satellite data products to applications and information.
14:35 UTC Jordi Sandalinas, Open University of Catalonia, Spain, Maritime earth observation and the EU Copernicus Regulation: legal and economic benefits, a preliminary study.
14:45-UTC 5 minute break
14:50 UTC Steef Peters, Water Insight, Netherlands, Launch of a Commercial service Platform for User-relevant Coastal water monitoring services based on Earth Observation (CoastObs). Co-authors: Federica Braga, CNR. Vittorio E. Brando, CNR. Tony van der Hiele, HZ University of Applied Sciences. Annelies Hommersom, Water Insight. Pierre Gernez, University of Nantes. Laurent Barillé, University of Nantes. Laura Zoffoli, University of Nantes. Anne-Laure Barillé, Bio-Littoral. Nicolas Harin, Bio-Littoral. Luis González Vilas, University of Vigo. Jesus M. Torres Palenzuela, University of Vigo. Mariana Mata Lara, Geonardo.
15:00 UTC Els Knaeps, VITO, Belgium, Analysis of spectral requirements for marine litter detection. Co-author: Mehrdad Moshtaghi, VITO
15:10-15:30 UTC Presenter Q&A and Discussion