Ocean Sciences 2020 Session Announcement! Abstracts close Sept. 11!

CP019:  Water quality monitoring and forecasting in coastal and inland waters: Applications and operational services  Topic Area: Coastal and Estuarine Processes   


Water is an increasingly threatened resource, particularly the quality of coastal and inland waters due to population growth, urbanization, and climate change. Further, the interfacial nature of the coastal zone, bridging aquatic, terrestrial, atmospheric, and anthropogenic domains, means they are significantly impacted by dynamic, complex processes. Timely, accurate, and consistent scientific-based assessments, monitoring and forecasting of water quality are crucial across global, regional, and local scales. This session solicits contributions addressing the end-to-end value chain for coastal and inland water quality. This includes new and improved physical, biogeochemical, and ecological observations and data products (remote and in situ), data assimilation and forecasts, and synergistic generation of fit for purpose water quality products and indicators to provide integrated information for water quality managers and other stakeholders. Developmental and operational activities that couple products and indicators (from observations, models etc.) across the land-water interface are solicited, likewise information delivery systems and decision-making tools that enhance user knowledge. This session advances the goals of the AquaWatch Initiative being developed under the auspices of the Group for Earth Observations, particularly development of water quality monitoring and forecasting service(s) in developed and developing nations, supporting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG-6: Clean Water and SDG-14: Life Below Water.  Studies focusing on data products, applications, and operational services should submit to this session; abstracts focusing more on the basic understanding of biogeochemical processes associated with water quality should instead submit to the “Water quality monitoring and forecasting in coastal waters: Biogeochemistry of urban systems” session.

Primary Chair
Primary Liaison
    Index Terms

    Take GEOAquaWatch’s Water Quality Survey!

    We would appreciate your anonymous feedback in our online survey about water quality monitoring around the world and use of remote sensing to assess water quality.  Your input will be used to inform our global water quality training and education efforts.  Anyone involved in water quality should take this survey – from managers and field/lab workers to researchers and citizen scientists. 

    This quick survey is available in five languages: English, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish – responders may remain anonymous.  This survey will remain open only a short time and can be completed within 5-8 minutes. All responses will remain confidential and secure.  Multiple survey-takers may use the same IP address for their individual entries.   Thank you in advance for your valuable insights and we appreciate your trust.


    CCI Project on Lakes Survey Available

    In February 2019, ESA kicked off the CCI project on Lakes, as an
    essential climate variable.  The main objective of ‘lakes cci’ (http://cci.esa.int/lakes) is to
    exploit satellite data to create the largest and longest possible
    consistent, global record of five lake parameters (Level, Extent,
    Temperature, Ice cover, Reflectance) for evaluating how lakes play the
    role of proxy, regulator and integrator of climate change.

    In this initial phase, we have prepared a survey to determine some
    basic requirements for data exploitation.
    The anonymous ‘lakes cci’ questionnaire (just 12 simple questions in
    less than 5 min) is available at the following link.
    Inputs from the AquaWatch community (preferably by 15 June) will be
    very much appreciated:


    For more information please write to: cci-lakes.contact@cls.fr

    GEOAquaWatch Announces Fiscal Sponsorship by Meridian Institute

    GEOAquaWatch is very pleased to announce that Meridian Institute has entered into a fiscal sponsorship relationship with GEOAquaWatch.  This will open up significantly more funding opportunities for GEOAquaWatch and promote collaborative partnerships between Meridian and the GEOAquaWatch Initiative for Water Quality, optimizing the excellence and expertise of both organizations.

    EPA-NASA ORISE Job Opportunity


    Commercial Satellite Water Quality Methods and Visualization

    This is an exciting ORISE research opportunity using commercial satellite imagery for deriving water quality measures as part of a NASA funded project. This position is for someone with a Master’s degree. Application deadline is 5/28/2019 3:00:00 PM Eastern Time Zone.

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    Reference Code
    How to Apply

    A complete application consists of:

    All documents must be in English or include an official English translation.

    If you have questions, send an email to EPArpp@orau.org.  Please include the reference code for this opportunity in your email.