GEOAquaWatch Announces Community Discussion of Analysis Ready Data

Dear GEO AquaWatch Community,

On May 20th, 2020 we invited you to participate in a community discussion focused on the challenges and opportunities of EO-based Aquatic Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for water quality monitoring and assessment. We define ARD as the systematic radiometric, atmospherically, geometrically and spatially corrected full archive EO data sets of normalized water leaving radiance or reflectance. The objectives of this meeting were to explain the concept of ARD, show examples of aquatic ARD, unique challenges related to implementing ARD in aquatic systems, progress and products to date, and enlist members for an ad hoc Aquatic ARD committee. Here you’ll find an agenda and  Discussion Document.   You can view the video of the community discussion here.

Thank you!

Sent on behalf of GEOAquaWatch Leadership Arnold Dekker, Paul DiGiacomo, and Steve Greb.


Great Lakes Observing System Data Providers Webinar

Join GLOS for this webinar on April 8th at 1pm EDT!  REGISTER HERE

What’s the webinar about?
The past year has seen an exciting one at GLOS: new staff, new technology, new partnerships, and a new strategic plan to guide the organization through 2025 in support of the Smart Great Lakes Initiative.

Along with the newness has come some important questions from our partners: What does the new strategic plan mean for existing efforts? What new opportunities exist for partnership? How can I leverage GLOS to improve my work and contribute to the overall observing system?

The new strategic plan was crafted to improve the caliber of end-to-end data services GLOS is able to offer to the Great Lakes region, and providing those services means collaborating closely with current and future data providers—those deploying the sensors, buoys, and other technologies that enable us to monitor and understand our lakes.

Tune in to hear an update on how GLOS is working to support monitoring, how to contribute to the new Integrated Ocean Observing System proposal, practical next-steps for sharing your data, and more.

This is an open webinar. Please share with anyone who may be interested in attending.

Hope to see you there, and do reach out with any questions, or visit

Deadline Extended! GEO and Google Earth Engine Proposals

Do you have a project using Earth observations to address social or environmental challenges? If you’re from a GEO Member country (see the full list here) or are currently a GEO partner (including Participating Organization, public sector or commercial organization) there is still time to apply for the GEO-Google Earth Engine Programme. 

The application deadline has been extended to 15 April 2020.

GEO has partnered with Google to offer 25 licenses for the sustained use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) for projects using Earth observation data to address global challenges related to climate change, sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and others. These 2-year, full-access licenses aim to empower public sector and commercial recipients to tackle significant societal challenges and improve understanding of our planet.

In addition, projects selected will benefit from technical support and guidance from EO Data Science through an outreach programme to help projects get the results needed from GEE, adding valuable knowledge and know-how to the programme.

Please submit your project proposals using the form found here by 15 April 2020.

If you have any questions about the Programme, please see the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions here.

Australia/U.S. PostDoc and 3 PhD Student Opportunities!

Dr. Nancy Glenn is hiring two post-docs in remote sensing of carbon dynamics with disturbance. This is a great opportunity to work in Australia and with collaborators in the US, and because they have many projects, there is some choice in which the post-docs can pursue. Please see the ad here:

She also has the opportunity to hire 3 PhD students in Functional diversity mapping with imaging spectroscopy and lidar; Quantifying aboveground carbon loss from wildfires and the influence of drought; and Mapping the global distribution of drylands and their trajectories. Please contact her if you are interested in any of these positions!

Nancy Glenn @NancGlenn or