AquaWatch Go Fund Me – Donate Today!

Please help us!  AquaWatch’s goal is to construct a global scale water quality information service (somewhat analogous to the weather service) based on satellite Earth Observations that will provide timely water quality monitoring information around the world. We would like to raise funds to gain Tax Deductible status in the US ( 501(c)(3)). This is necessary to apply for many of the Foundation grant opportunities in the US and will cost about $1800USD.  Donate here today!

More background

Water quality is essential for human, ecosystem and economic health. Degradation of water quality can result in human exposure to disease and harmful chemicals, reduction in productivity and diversity of ecosystems and damage to aquaculture, agriculture and other water-related industries. This new, transformative approach to water quality monitoring will elucidate inland and coastal conditions in near-real time as recent advances in satellite remote sensing now provide the opportunity to monitor essential surface water quality conditions from space.

Our organization has been around since 2007 and is a broad community of satellite and remote sensing experts, water resource managers, industry and citizens.  We have always operated with a fiscal sponsor, but now would like to elevate our organization by pursuing recognition as a charity in the United States, estimated to require about $1800USD for an attorney’s review of the forms and application filing fees.   We are also open to pursuing this status in other global funding bodies, such as the European Commission, etc.


EO 4 Water 2020 Abstracts close October 2nd!

The GEOAquaWatch Community is excited to spread the word about this upcoming virtual conference November 16-18, 2020, and we encourage broad water quality participation.  The EO 4 Water Conference aims at reviewing the latest advances in the use of EO technology for scientific questions related to the water cycle and its applications, exploring the potential offered by the coming EO as well as the main challenges and opportunities for the coming decade.

The ultimate target of the event is to contribute to define a scientific agenda that may drive future scientific activities of ESA and other space agencies and partners in the coming few years. The Conference is open to EO scientists, water researchers and students, modellers, Earth system and climate scientists, industry, operational agencies, policy makers, representatives of local communities and other stakeholders interested in sharing their knowledge and experience and in contributing to drive the scientific agenda for advancing EO water research and applications.

Abstracts close on October 2, 2020!  Find out more here!

Call for Papers: Special Issue “Bio-Optical Oceanic Remote Sensing”

Contributions are solicited for the upcoming special issue of Remote Sensing, entitled “Bio-Optical Oceanic Remote Sensing” will focus on the development and validation of new bio-optical remote sensing algorithms for oceanic and coastal waters. The issue will be co-edited by Bradley Penta (NRL) and Victor S. Kuwahara (Soka University).  Authors are encouraged to submit articles concerning, but not limited to, the following topics:

    • In situ validation of ocean color products
    • Vicarious validation of ocean color sensors Hyperspectral remote sensing algorithm development
    • Ocean color products related to:
      • Harmful algal bloom (HAB) detection
      • Phytoplankton functional types (PFT)
      • Higher trophic levels
      • Optical water mass classification
    • Biogeochemical cycles
    • New and future applications of remote sensing ocean color sensors

More information is available at: .

Submissions will be accepted through 31 July 2021. Each submission will be published based on its own peer review process.

WWQA Webinars on August 26th and 27th

The World Water Quality Alliance invites you to join two of its sessions at the 2020 WWWeek At Home.

“Water Quality and Climate Change – The Overlooked Variable”  Wednesday 26th of August 2020 ~ 10.00 – 10.45 (CEST Time Zone).             To join us for this session please CLICK HERE

World Water Quality Alliance – Social Engagement for Climate Action” Thursday 27th of August 2020 ~ 11.00 – 11.45 (CEST Time Zone). 
To join us for this session please CLICK HERE!

 For more details on the sessions please visit our virtual stands on the SIWI WWWeek At Home webpage:—the-overlooked-variable