NASA ARSET Training: Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems

Three consecutive short-courses building upon skills learned in prior lessons to complete this 4.5 hour long training.


Hyperspectral data presents a unique opportunity to characterize specific vegetation types and biogeochemical processes across the land and oceans. Applications of hyperspectral data include plant species identification, invasive species management, assessment of phytoplankton functional types, mapping of wetlands and shallow benthic communities, and detection of harmful algal blooms (HABs). The ability of hyperspectral data to characterize chemical, physiological, and morphological traits allows decision-makers to better understand critical components of ecosystem dynamics such as invasive species encroachment, forest decline and pest infestation, and ocean dynamics. This training is also an opportunity to build capacity in a large user community prior to the launch of the highly anticipated global hyperspectral SBG mission.



By the end of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify characteristics of hyperspectral data including benefits and limitations for land and coastal systems
  • Recall various satellite and airborne-based hyperspectral imagers
  • Relate past hyperspectral campaigns to future missions
  • Access hyperspectral data from multiple platforms
  • Illustrate uses of hyperspectral data for land assessments such as invasive species management, agricultural management, wildfire impacts, forest decline and pest infestation, and more
  • Illustrate uses of hyperspectral data for coastal and ocean applications such as coral reef assessments, mapping submerged aquatic vegetation, and identifying marine debris

Local, regional, state, federal, and non-governmental organizations involved in invasive species management, forest monitoring, coastal and ocean processes, and innovative remote sensing techniques.

  • Three one and a half hour sessions
  • One homework assignment via Google Forms
Overview of Hyperspectral Data
  • Introduction to hyperspectral data
  • Satellite and airborne-based hyperspectral imagers
  • Assessing and processing hyperspectral data
  • Q&A
Hyperspectral Data for Land Management
  • Applications of hyperspectral data for invasive species management, agricultural management, wildfire impacts, and forest decline and pest infestation
  • Case study examples
  • Q&A
Hyperspectral Data for Coastal and Ocean Systems
  • Use of hyperspectral imaging for wetland vegetation communities
  • Use of hyperspectral for coastal shallow-water ecosystems
  • Use of hyperspectral for marine debris
  • Case study examples
  • Q&A

PhD opportunity: Water, Climate and Development: Google Earth Engine

This PhD will bring together Earth observation, GEE processing and data analytics.  To find out more and apply click here.

Earth observation: The applicant will develop or optimise algorithms for the retrieval of water quality (focusing initially on chlorophyll-a) and water quantity parameters in water bodies identified by GEO Aquawatch and World Bank Group. Algorithm development will be based on optical water type frameworks (Spyrakos et al. 2018) or/and data driven approaches (Spyrakos et al. 2011). Ground data, for the development and validation of the models in these water systems, will be provided by initiatives led by USTIR such as Limnades ( and Aquawatch ( Both Sentinel 2 and LandSat satellites will be exploited to retrieve water constituents. Simulated (Hydrolight) spectra will also be generated to fill gaps in the in situ data record, to contribute to algorithm development and uncertainty characterisation.
GEE: GEE will be used to process large volume of remotely sense data. These will include water quality and quantity parameters but also available data of land cover, catchment and climatic variables. GEE will make it easier to build inventories with high spatial and temporal resolutions, since processing of the often large remote sensing data can be performed in the cloud. It also allows for reanalysis of the data to build climatology.
Data analytics: Innovative tools in environmental data analytics including functional data analysis will be investigated and applied for temporal trend (O’Donnel et al., 2015) and climatology. These data analytics approaches will be applied (and developed) in the R software environment. Non-parametric time series analysis will be used to identify the presence and strength of key underlying long-term patterns in the EO data. Where relevant this analysis will be developed to account for autocorrelation, identify change points and explore patterns beyond the mean, modelling quantiles to assess if changes over time are constant across all levels of the variables of interest.

Final Year Graduate Students: New Diversity Scholarship Available!



AGI Invites Applications for New Scholarship for Advancing Diversity in the Geoscience Profession

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce its new Scholarship for Advancing Diversity in the Geoscience Profession. The scholarship is a one-time $5,000 award supporting geoscience graduate studies by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who self-identifies as a member of an underrepresented minority (Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color) and is within two semesters of completing a recognized geoscience program.

“The geosciences can thrive only with full participation from all communities, yet research shows that many underrepresented minority students face obstacles in the transition from undergraduate to graduate studies,” says AGI Interim Executive Director Sharon Tahirkheli. “Supporting the next generation of aspiring minority geoscientists has perhaps never been more important.”

The application deadline is February 21, 2021. The scholarship winner will be notified in April 2021. To learn more, see If you have questions, please contact AGI Geoscience Profession and Higher Education Director Christopher Keane at

About AGI
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI), a federation of scientific and professional associations representing over a quarter-million geoscientists, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving the geoscience community and addressing the needs of society. AGI headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia.

Comment on CEOS CARD4L-Aquatic Reflectance until Nov 20th!

The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) needs your feedback!  Now is YOUR chance to review and contribute to the draft Product Specification for Aquatic Reflectance for CEOS Analysis Ready Data, which is now open for community comment and contributions.  Please email any comments, suggested edits, or additions to  Contributions are strongly recommended to be submitted by November 20th, but it is possible to add comments through mid-December.

Group on Earth Observations Indigenous Summit 2020

The GEO Indigenous Summit 2020

7-9 December 2020


Join Indigenous leaders from around the world as they discuss Indigenous-led innovation in Earth observations data, science and technology. This will build on the GEO Indigenous hackathon, bringing together Indigenous knowledge and state-of-the-art science and technology, as well as the global GEO community.

No registration required! Open to everyone, everywhere!

Themes: COVID-19, Women Empowerment, Education, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Indigenous Data Sovereignty, Knowledge Transfer.

Lightning talks session:  Lightning talks are 3 minutes pre-recorded presentations related to the themes of the Summit. To submit an abstract complete this form by the 25th of November 23:59 CEST

Please mark your calendars for this virtual event, and be sure to:

Organizing Committee:

  • Titus Letaapo (Samburu tribe, Kenya)
  • James Rattling Leaf Sr. (Rosebud Sioux tribe, South Dakota, US)
  • Mario Vargas Shakaim (Shuar Nation, Ecuadorian Amazon)
  • Diana Mastracci (GEO Secretariat, Communications consultant)
  • Steven Ramage (GEO Secretariat, Head of External Relations)