USA based remote sensing jobs at Global Science & Tech (supporting NOAA)

Ocean Surface Winds Support Scientist

College Park, MD, USA Full Time

Posted: Oct 19, 2022

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Scientist to Support Satellite Oceanography and Climatology and Ocean Color

College Park, MD, USA          Full Time

Posted: Aug 22, 2023

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Senior Consultant

Silver Spring, MD, USA   Full Time

Posted: Jul 19, 2023

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Senior Engineer

Silver Spring, MD, USA   Full Time

Posted: Oct 10, 2023

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Senior Scientific Project Leader

Silver Spring, MD, USA   Full Time

Posted: Sep 18, 2023

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SST Scientist with HPC skills

College Park, MD, USA    Full Time

Posted: May 31, 2023

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SST Scientist with Computational Skills

College Park, MD, USA    Full Time

Posted: May 31, 2023

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Final Programme Released! 2023 GEO AquaWatch Biennial Workshop

Water Quality Information for the Benefit of Society

Earth Observation of inland and coastal water quality: Toward water quality forecasting

13 November 2023, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA 

a meeting of GEO AquaWatch in conjunction with the IOCS Meeting 

GEO AquaWatch invites you to a one-day workshop of the inland and coastal water quality community in conjunction with the ocean color science community.  

Our workshop theme is Toward Water Quality Forecasting. 

The use of Earth Observation (EO) for water quality applications is rapidly advancing. Inland and near-shore coastal environments deliver multiple ecosystem services that benefit society and yet only a fraction of global inland water systems are routinely monitored for water quality.  Observing inland and near-coastal water bodies makes remote sensing a valuable source of data on water quality and ecosystem condition at local and global scales. 

This workshop will be an opportunity for the community to respond to outcomes of the recent United Nations Water Conference and Water Action Agenda to reach sustainable development goals (SDG 6, and related).   Other global initiatives like the UN Ocean Decade, the Convention on Wetlands, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, all hinge on better water management coordination and decision-making to benefit society.

Water quality forecasting contributes to improved water management, climate studies, and achieving SDGs. Focusing our workshop on EO  multiscale forecasting of inland and near-shore coastal water conditions will be timely. Discussions of forecasting tools and observing opportunities provided by the upcoming PACE and GLIMR and Australian AquaWatch CSIRO missions are especially relevant in prioritising future GEO AquaWatch activities, and this will be a workshop outcome. 

GEO AquaWatch has a strong emphasis on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies and these principles will be encouraged in setting the programme. Meeting participants will be expected to be aware of and follow GEO AquaWatch’s new Code of Conduct during discussions.   

Meeting Logistics: When: 13 November 2023; 08:30-17:00 local time.   Fees: none  Travel Funds: none

2023 GEO AquaWatch FINAL Programme_version 1.7

Where: University of South Florida St Petersburg Campus (22 miles and 23 minutes southwest of Tampa International Airport), location is likely to be the University Student Center (campus map)  NOTE: there are several local USF campuses, this one is in St. Petersburg! 

Abstract and Registration is now closed.

Questions: email 

Congratulations to Bresciani, Giardino and team for Most Downloaded Publication!

Remote Sensing just announced the most downloaded manuscript is

#WaterQuality Retrieval from #Landsat9 (OLI-2) Imagery and Comparison to #Sentinel2 by Milad Niroumand-Jadidi, Francesca Bovolo, Mariano Bresciani, Peter Gege and Claudia Giardino
👉 Read the full article:

Read their linked in Post here:



GEO AquaWatch Releases New Communications Plan and Year 2 DEI Metric Results

Today the GEO AquaWatch Management Team and Steering Committee approved a new GEO AquaWatch Communications Plan and the Year 2 Report on our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Metrics.   The reports are available under the Resources > AquaWatch Documents Tabs. These efforts benefit the entire GEO AquaWatch Community and we are proud of the work that went into drafting them.  The Communications Plan was customized for GEO AquaWatch, but elements were developed in collaboration with the GEO BluePlanet Initiative and the GEO Health Community of Practice and we thank them for their assistance!

NASA ARSET Training – Introductory Webinar: Spectral Indices for Land and Aquatic Applications

October 26, November 2, & November 9, 2023
11:00-12:00 (Session A) or 15:00-16:00 (Session B) EDT (UTC-4)

This training will provide an overview of spectral indices for land and aquatic applications. Specifically, this training will begin with an introduction to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), along with its calculation, uses, and prominence in Earth science. In session two, we will expand to other spectral indices primarily used in aquatic ecosystems, such as the Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index (NDCI), Normalized Difference Aquatic Vegetation Index (NDAVI), Floating Algal Index (FAI), and Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) for aquatic applications. In the final session we will review additional land-based indices such as the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), and Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR). Not only will these sessions discuss the correct circumstances under which to use these indices, but participants will also take part in hands-on indices calculation over relevant study areas. Learners will work with data from Landsat 9 OLI-2, Sentinel-2 MSI and Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) for indices calculation. The training will also discuss pre-calculated index products such as Terra MODIS vegetation indices and HLS vegetation indices suite and upcoming data products available based on user feedback provided to the Satellite Needs Working Group. Use cases from recent Earth Action projects (such as NASA DEVELOP) will further highlight how spectral indices can provide essential information about land and aquatic environments.
