The Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022, held in Nouméa, was a major milestone for the advancement of geospatial actions for the Pacific Islands. In addition to the signing of the “Constellation Statement” by the officials present, all participants were able to prioritize and frame, through collaborative and inclusive work, no less than 6 regional projects deemed to be capable of and needing to be carried out in collaboration. The primary objective of this work is to enable everyone to actively contribute to the development of regional geospatial activities, around priority themes for our islands. Thanks to the mobilization of the OGS and CPS teams, we are pleased to announce the launch of the 2 projects on the theme of “Water Resources”. In order to present our approach and the various stages planned, to gather your constructive feedback to improve it and to launch together this new regional initiative on an essential theme, we are delighted to invite you to the launch webinar of the “Water Resources” working group, an integral part of our vast Community of Oceania Geospatial. When: Wednesday March 13th Time: 9am UTC+12 (Fiji time) Language: English Programme [1h30]:
We can’t wait to meet you there again !! Mme Pearl WINCHESTER (NC geospatial animation) Nicholas METHERALL (Pacific Community – SPC) **** Chère Communauté Géospatiale d’Océanie, Bonjour à tous, L’Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022, qui s’est tenu à Nouméa, a constitué un jalon majeur pour l’avancée des actions en géospatial pour les îles du Pacifique. Au-delà de la signature d’une déclaration par les officiels présents, le “Constellation Statement”, l’ensemble des participants ont pu prioriser et cadrer, via des travaux collaboratifs et inclusifs, non moins de 6 projets régionaux estimés comme pouvant et devant être menés en collaboration. L’objectif premier de ces travaux est de permettre à chacun de contribuer activement au développement des activités régionales en géospatial, autour de thèmes prioritaires pour nos îles. Grâce à une mobilisation de l’équipe de l’OGS et de la CPS, nous avons aujourd’hui le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement des 2 projets liés au thème des “Ressources en eau”. Afin de vous présenter la démarche envisagée et les différentes étapes prévues, de recueillir vos retours constructifs pour l’améliorer et de lancer ensemble cette nouvelle initiative régionale sur un thème essentiel, nous sommes ravis de vous convier au webinaire de lancement du groupe de travail “Water Resources”, partie intégrante de notre vaste Communauté Géospatiale d’Océanie. Date : Mercredi 13 mars 2024 Heure : 9h UTC+12 (Fiji time) Langue : Anglais Au programme [1h30] :
Nous avons hâte de vous retrouver pour échanger avec vous sur ces sujets d’intérêt commun ! |
Category: Uncategorized
Call for papers: Special issue of Remote Sensing, due May 31st
Contribute a paper to the special issue “Remote Sensing Retrievals of Optical Properties in Inland Waters and the Coastal Ocean” of /Remote Sensing/. The submission deadline is 31 May 2024.
Detailed information can be found at the Special Issue homepage:
CNR-ISMAR Seminar Series 7 March 2024, Vittorio Brando SDG 14 indicator for European waters
CNR-ISMAR Seminar Series
7 March 2024 – 14:30 Rome time 08:30 New York 05:30 Los Angeles
Reporting potential eutrophication of European waters within the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 framework using satellite derived chlorophyll data
Since 2021 the Copernicus Marine Service is contributing to the reporting of eutrophication of European waters within the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 (life below water) framework. The satellite- based maps of potential eutrophic and oligotrophic areas in the European Seas are generated based on a comparison of the per-pixel chlorophyll-a data from the Copernicus Marine Service regional chlorophyll satellite datasets in each reporting year with the corresponding chlorophyll-a climatological 90th percentile (P90) established for a 20-year baseline (1998–2017). Then the time series of potential eutrophication in averaged over Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of each European country is calculated and delivered to Eurostat and made publicly available. The results for the European waters for the past 25 years (1998–2022) will also be compared with those from the SDG 14 global satellite-derived eutrophication indicator (target 14.1.1a) provided by UNEP.
CNR ISMAR (Rome) Senior Post-doc Opportunity in Remote Sensing
Applications for a SENIOR postdoc position in CNR ISMAR (Rome, Italy) are open. Deadline: 18 March 2024. Call link:
English version at page 15 of the attachment.
Project: Biodiversa+ PETRI-MED
Research Activity to carry out: Application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to develop and investigate indicators of marine plankton biodiversity through integration of in situ observations, model outputs and satellite data.
Duration: 1+1 years
Gross salary: 26.000,00 € per year
The activity will be carried out under the supervision of Emanuel Organelli
Nantes University: post-doctoral fellow remote sensing & carbon cycle for coastal area
Nantes University announces a postdoc opportunity to work on the REWRITE project contribution of tidal mudflats to the Global Carbon Cycle using remote-sensing. Find out more here: Fiche de poste NU_PostDoc_Rewrite_ANG