GLEON Virtual Meeting April 8-12th, 2024 Registration closes soon!

Join the GLEON (Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network) virtual meeting from April 8th to 12th, 2024.

The event is being hosted by the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI). Free registration for anyone who is from and currently working in Africa.

Registration closes on the 29th March.

See more: projects/global-lake-ecological-observatory-network/ gleon-2024-virtual-meeting

Workshop: Remote Sensing for Lakes, Spain July 5, 2024

A specialised workshop on Remote Sensing for Lakes is to be held at the 26th annual and international workshop on Physical Process in Natural Waters on 5 July, 2024, in University of Girona, Spain.

The Workshop will explore the advancements in satellite-derived products for monitoring inland water ecosystems, offering insights into their dynamics and interaction with the environment. Contributions utilising remote sensing methods and modeling to understand the impacts of climatic and anthropogenic factors on inland waters’ health are encouraged.

The session will also describe and explore the long-term global satellite records developed as part of the ESA Climate Change Initiative’s ECV Lakes project. These data span 1992-2020, comprise over 2,000 lakes and address a basket of requirements defined by the Global Climate Observing System.

Interested researchers are invited to share their research findings and receive valuable feedback.
Abstract submission deadlineApril 2, 2024 via the workshop website

US National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference, Anchorage AK

Call for Proposals: National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC). Applications Due: April 17, 2024. The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals – Tribes and Climate Change Program is excited to announce that the Call for Proposals is now open for the National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) 2024. This year’s theme is Shared Responsibility for Indigenous Climate Resilience. The National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) invites you to submit proposals that discuss climate-related impacts, assessments, tools, adaptation, mitigation, actions, and the intersection of western science and adaptation strategies with Traditional/Indigenous Knowledges. This conference aims to provide the space and opportunity to share and learn from one another.

Submission Information:
•    Presentation Proposals Due: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
•    Letter of Notification: Monday, June 3, 2024

Click here for more information: