Save-the-date: AMERIGEO Hybrid Meeting – Ecuador August 26-30, 2024

The 2024 AMERIGEO meeting will be held August 26-30, 2024, both virtually and in person in Quito, Ecuador.

Various Earth Observation applications will be introduced to the assembled audience, including Health, Heat, Agriculture, water scarcity, etc. If you are a scientist, decision-maker or policy-maker based in North, Central, or Latin America and in need of Earth Observation information to make decisions – this meeting will be useful to attend.  Presentations will be made in Spanish with English translation services in real time for most online activities.

Please use the QR code on the flyers above to find out more and to register when it opens.

12th U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae Call for Abstracts

The 12th U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae will be held on October 27-November 1, 2024 in Portland, Maine. The theme, ONE BLOOM, seeks to identify and highlight commonalities across diverse study systems and disciplines within Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) research. Sessions and discussions will foster a unified understanding that integrates perspectives and approaches in HAB science, and equips researchers, managers, and policymakers with the knowledge needed to address this pressing environmental challenge. Submit your abstract by May 8. Learn more

EAWAG Job Opportunities!

Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology is excited to announce a cluster hire initiative!  We are recruiting four tenure-track group leaders on the topic of climate change adaptation in aquatic systems. We are recruiting specifically to bolster three core areas in this topic: biodiversity, public health, and water resources and reuse; but we also explicitly encourage applications from candidates who work on other aspects of climate change adaptation.  We seek applications by May 31, 2024, from candidates who share our vision and have a background in any relevant discipline including natural, engineering, and social sciences.  More information about the cluster hire is here.

Please share this information with your network.

Announcement: UNEP WWQA Funded “Earth observation pathway for SDG 6.3.2” project


April 5th

Today the University of Stirling and ten partnering organisations, announced $40,000 USD in funding from the UNEP World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA). The project will pave the way towards a complementary global Earth Observation-based indicator for SDG indicator 6.3.2 on the “Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality”, through the use of free and open source satellite data. Co-designing the transboundary pilot with local stakeholders will be key to the development and validation of the  indicator and platform design. Funding opportunities, such as this, enable the WWQA  to provide initial, inception support for innovative workstreams addressing priority water quality issues. Collaboration between WWQA and external partners will benefit the project and all involved. 

The University of Stirling, in partnership with WWQA, GEO AquaWatch and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) also plan a complimentary workshop to take place later this year, targeting barriers to the uptake of EO for inland and coastal water quality monitoring. Workshop attendees will collectively address EO challenges within the water domain, and further discuss SDG 6.3.2. The workshop will assist water quality professionals, especially in Africa and developing nations, to access free and open source satellite data products offered by global satellite data providers.  

Point of Contact for More Information:  Dr. Harriet Wilson – 

Find out more here (2 page flyer): WWQA-Seed-project-Flyer-2page

Find out more here (1 page flyer):  WWQA-Seed-project-Fyler-1page