MERLIN project Deliverable D4.2: Just Transformations: Sectoral Stakeholder Engagement, Processes and Perceptions of Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions

MERLIN is an EU-Funded project.  The MERLIN project commits to transformative ecosystem restoration, mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions for the urgent systemic change of our society.  They have just released their latest deliverable D4.2: Just Transformations: Sectoral Stakeholder Engagement, Processes and Perceptions of Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions.  MERLIN Deliverable

NASA ARSET Intermediate Training: EO of Blue Carbon Ecosystems (en español)

NASA Intermediate Webinar: Earth Observations of Blue Carbon Ecosystems
December 03 & 05, 2024
French: 10:00-11:30 EST (UTC-5) or
English: 14:00-15:30 EST (UTC-5)Nature-based climate solutions are an increasingly critical component of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Paris Agreement goal of keeping temperature change to below 2-degrees celsius. Blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, salt marshes, and sea grasses, are a key aspect of nature-based climate solutions because of high carbon sequestration rates, long-term burial of carbon in sediments, potential for restoration, and connections to many additional ecosystem services.

This training builds from a series of previous trainings on Remote Sensing of Coastal Ecosystems, Remote Sensing of Mangroves, Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases, and Remote Sensing of Carbon Monitoring for Terrestrial Ecosystems to provide a comprehensive overview of blue carbon ecosystem remote sensing. The course will guide participants through mapping extent and quantifying the carbon stocks of blue carbon ecosystems using earth observations to support assessment, monitoring and restoration goals of these ecosystems.

en español

Webinar intermédiaire: La Télédétection des Écosystèmes de Carbone Bleu

03 et 05 décembre 2024
Français: 10:00-11:30 AM EST (UTC-5)Les solutions climatiques fondées sur la nature sont un élément de plus en plus essentiel de l’atténuation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre afin d’atteindre l’objectif de l’Accord de Paris de maintenir le changement de température en dessous de 2 degrés Celsius. Les écosystèmes de carbone bleu, tels que les mangroves, les marais salants et les herbiers marins, sont un aspect clé des solutions climatiques fondées sur la nature en raison des taux élevés de séquestration du carbone, de l’enfouissement à long terme du carbone dans les sédiments, du potentiel de restauration et des connexions à de nombreux autres services écosystémiques.

Cette formation s’appuie sur une série de formations précédentes sur la télédétection des écosystèmes côtiers, la télédétection des mangroves, la télédétection des gaz à effet de serre, et la télédétection du suivi du carbone des écosystèmes terrestres, afin de fournir un aperçu complet de la télédétection des écosystèmes de carbone bleu. Le cours guidera les participants dans la cartographie de l’étendue et la quantification des stocks de carbone des écosystèmes de carbone bleu en utilisant la télédétection pour soutenir l’évaluation, le suivi et la restauration de ces écosystèmes.


Abstract Contributions Invited for ASLO ASM in Charlotte!

Several members of the GEO AquaWatch Early Career Society are chairing a session at the upcoming ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, which will be held 26-31 March 2025 in Charlotte, NC, USA. We invite abstract submissions from anyone, but especially other early career scientists for the session entitled “SS29 The Pulse of Water Quality Remote Sensing in Inland Waters: State of the Art and Perspectives”.  The session description can be found here.

Abstracts deadline is 21 October.   Please help us promote the session by sharing it with your network! 

There are opportunities for Student Travel GrantsEarly Career Travel Grants, a Student Volunteer Program, as well as other information on their webpage. Feel free to share with friends and colleagues!

Please contact the conveners Megan Coffer (, Igor Ogashawara (, or Harriet Wilson ( with any questions about the session or to let us know you have sent an abstract.

Register now for EUMETSAT’s in person Marine User Days and online webinars!

EU Ocean Data Webinar Series
EUMETSAT is jointly organising a series of ocean webinars in partnership with the Copernicus Marine Service (implemented by Mercator Ocean International), the European Marine Observation and Data Network  (EMODnet), the ECOP Programme, and the UN OD Coordination Office for Ocean Data Sharing.
Registration is open for the second webinar “Science and solutions for a clean, healthy, and resilient ocean” on 10 October at 14:30 CEST. For more information, please visit the webinar series website:
image of the earth from space with a black background
Marine User Days
This is an in-person event hosted by EUMETSAT in partnership with the European Commission, the European Space Agency, the European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Mercator Ocean International and the Copernicus Marine Service.  It will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5 to 6 November and it will bring together existing and prospective users from across the diverse marine user community.
The deadline to register is 10 October.
For any further information, you can check the news item on the EUMETSAT website: