INBO Webinar September 15th!

Shared on behalf of International Network of Basin Organizations:

INBO is pleased to invite you on Tuesday September 15th at 4pm (CEST) to its webinar.  It will be translated simultaneously in french, english and spanish.  Register here

Faced with the new challenges related to climate change, population growth, biodiversity erosion (etc.), water resource managers increasingly need reliable, regularly updated and relevant information to make the right decisions, monitor the impact of implemented measures and communicate to the public.  When they exist, the necessary data are often fragmented, inconsistent and difficult to use as they are produced by multiple institutions operating in various sectors with little coordination. In this respect, experience shows that the adoption of appropriate governance rules and technical procedures helps to develop potentials and to promotes inter-institutional collaboration while building on existing systems and strengthening the roles and capacities of each actor.  But data on the state of resources and uses are also often insufficient or even missing. On this point, remote sensing systems already offers very interesting possibilities for the production of additional data and some future satellites will enable a significant evolution of monitoring procedures.

This webinar will be an opportunity to recall some elements of the state of the art and to exchange on these various topics with in particular the intervention of major witnesses involved in the management of water resources in national and international contexts.

JCSDA Announces Public Release of JEDI System!

The Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) is pleased to announce that we are planning the first public, open-source release of the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) system this fall.

The proposed initial release of JEDI intends to feature:

    • Source code on publicly accessible JCSDA Github repository under open-source license

    • Code needed to run observation operators (aka, H(x) as shown in our near-real-time monitoring application) with GFS and GEOS model backgrounds

    • Code required for the JEDI Academy tutorials

    • A container equipped with the environment to pull JEDI source code from GitHub, build necessary executables, and run data through H(x) for a single data assimilation cycle

    • Documentation and self-paced tutorials posted on the JCSDA website

    • Limited user support will be provided via a dedicated forum monitored by the JEDI users and developers community.

The target release date, pending Management Oversight Board (MOB) approval, is October 2020. Future JEDI Academy training sessions will take advantage of the publicly posted code for practical sessions, allowing users to apply what they learn at the Academy to their own JEDI pursuits with ease.

EARTH LAB is Hiring! Director, Analytics Hub Team

The Earth Lab Analytics Hub encourages applications for a Director to help scientists apply groundbreaking analytics approaches to explore Earth systems data to accelerate scientific discovery. The Analytics Hub team includes specialists in remote sensing, scientific computing, statistics, and machine learning. Earth Lab’s mission is to harness the data revolution through research, analytics, and education to accelerate understanding of global environmental change to help society better manage and adapt. Earth Lab is a center within the Cooperative Institute for Research and Environmental Science (CIRES).

The Analytics Hub Director will lead Earth Lab’s Analytics Hub team, acquire external funding for the Analytics Hub, and develop/manage relationships with CIRES, the university research community, and industry, federal, and non-profit partners.  Earth Lab is looking for someone with a passion for open data science and a commitment to supporting and building a diverse community pursuing data-driven discovery in environmental sciences.

Application review will begin August 7th.

See full job ad here:

Don’t know how to use Remote Sensing? Upcoming Introductory Webinars!

Introductory Webinar: Remote Sensing of Coastal Ecosystems
August 25, September 1, & September 8, 2020
11:00-12:00 EDT (UTC-4)

Remote sensing of coastal and marine ecosystems is particularly challenging. Up to 80% of the signal received by the sensors in orbit comes from the atmosphere. Additionally, the constituents of the water column (dissolved and suspended) attenuate most of the light either through absorption or scattering. When it comes to retrieving information from the ocean floor, even in the clearest waters, only less than 10% of the signal originates from it. Users, particularly those with little remote sensing experience, stand to benefit from this training covering some of the difficulties associated with remote sensing of coastal ecosystems, particularly beaches and benthic communities such as coral reefs and seagrass.  Register here!

*As of August 2020, all ARSET content will be found at