New Atmospheric Correction Guidance Documents Now Available!

The Algorithm Focus Group within GEO AquaWatch has completed two additional    guidance documents  – this time on applying Atmospheric Corrections – for the community to use as quick references.  As with our other guides, one is introductory in nature and one is more advanced.  All four guidance documents presented by the Algorithm Focus Group can be found on our website under the here at this link under the Knowledge Hub Tab on our website and then scroll down to the Links to Featured section…

NASA ARSET Training Series: EO Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements

Introductory Webinar: Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements
January 27, February 3 & February 10, 2022
10:00-11:30 EST (UTC-5)

This 3-part, introductory webinar series will provide an overview of the Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements, an online knowledge resource that shares ready-to-use Earth observation data sets and tools. These resources can be applied in policy areas that are important to resilient and sustainable cities. Such areas include sustainable urban planning, adequate housing, access to public transport, and access to public spaces. Earth observation data provide significant cost and time savings in urban monitoring and indicator measurement, particularly over large areas or areas where little data is available. The Toolkit also shares national and city experiences in using spatial data and analysis for monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda, and enabling successful, evidence-based decision making.

Webinar Introductorio: Caja de Herramientas (Toolkit) de Observaciones de la Tierra para Ciudades y Asentamientos Humanos Sostenibles
27 de enero, 3 de febrero, y 10 de febrero, 2022
13h a 14h30 (español) horario este de EE.UU. (UTC-5)

Este webinar en serie comprende tres partes y presentará una introducción al Toolkit de Observaciones de la Tierra para Ciudades y Asentamientos Humanos Sostenibles, un recurso informático en línea que comparte conjuntos de datos de la Tierra y herramientas listos para utilizar. Estos recursos se pueden aplicar en áreas de políticas importantes para las ciudades resilientes y sostenibles como la planificación urbana sostenible, vivienda adecuada, acceso a transporte público y acceso a espacios públicos. Los datos de observaciones de la Tierra representan un ahorro significante en términos de dinero y de tiempo en el monitoreo urbano y la medición de indicadores, particularmente sobre grandes extensiones o en áreas donde escasean los datos. El Toolkit también comparte experiencias de diferentes países y ciudades con el uso de datos y análisis espaciales para monitorear el progreso hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la Nueva Agenda Urbana además de facilitar la toma exitosa de decisiones basadas en la evidencia.


In the United States? Take the IOOC OSI social and economic indicators survey by Dec 17th!

The United State’s Interagency Ocean Observation Committee (IOOC)’s Ocean Societal Indicators (OSI) Task Team is distributing a survey to targeted individuals and agencies to help develop a baseline of existing social and economic indicators, or suites of indicators, to better inform the inter-relationships and inter-dependencies between social data elements/observations and physical and biological observations.

 Indicators Survey:

 We invite you all to provide any input you may consider helpful in this activity. Please submit a separate form for each indicator or suite of indicators by COB Friday, December 17th. This should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. This is a first, high-level data collection. The OSI may reach out again for more detailed information.

Please feel free to share this with other individuals or networks, particularly those with social science knowledge or expertise.  Thank you!

Apply for the 2022 African Women in Science Program by December 15th!

The African Women in Science program is a transformative initiative for early-career African women scientists from the African Great Lakes region. The program aims to build capacity and offer mentorship opportunities for African women scientists who are actively engaged in African Great Lakes and freshwater research.  ​Open to women ages 25-40, participants will be a part of a 10-month cohort of African women scientists and become the next generation of African women scientists catalyzing positive change in the African Great Lakes.

This opportunity is made possible by the African Center for Aquatic Research and Education and the International Institute for Sustainable Development.  Find out more and apply here.

AWIS is a ten-month program that integrates learning experiences from a cohort of peers and a variety of experts and mentors. The 2022 program will be a hybrid program, with many components taking place online, and a one-month international immersion experience in North America. Participants have ongoing assignments related to core components. Program components include:


      • Leadership Development
      • Scientific Skills
      • Communications Techniques
      • Networking Strategy


      • Take part in events at international symposia, which includes meeting other early-, mid-, and late-career women scientists to build a supportive community and mentor-mentee relationships

      • Attend international conferences to present work and integrate into the larger scientific community


      • Connect individually with senior scientists, and other experts for insights, advice and problem-solving related to research and careers

International Connections. Each participant will be invited to attend the annual Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, North America, to:​

      • Increase the global view of freshwater resources, for themselves, and others

      • Gain input on their research, writing, scientific approaches

      • Enhance their network of expertise to solve issues they face

      • Strengthen future opportunities for research, careers, and knowledge

      • Offer solutions and input to other global freshwater experts

Project-Based Learning

      • Work on a project in a small group or individually that may be related to their current work, or another topic they can explore through the program

      • Develop end products that may include a short paper or journal article on their topic, a funding proposal or presentation that compares aspects of different lakes with input from peers and mentors

      • Present resent projects at the end of the program


What participants give:

      • Commit to full participation in monthly programming over the course of 10 months

      • Use the experiences to build your current work

      • Complete assignments based on core program components

      • Map in their progress journey along the way to share with the group

      • Have opportunities to present work/research to the larger scientific community

What participants get:

      • Make peer connections in a transboundary cohort

      • Build their professional network, locally, regionally, globally

      • Receive feedback from the larger scientific community

      • Grow your professional network

      • Take part in relevant skills training

      • Gain insight to grow leadership

2021 GEO Highlights Report Just Published!

The stakes have never been higher when it comes to translating scientific findings from Earth observations into policy decisions and actionable results. The GEO Work Programme brings together Members, Participating Organizations, GEO Associates, and other partners to collaboratively develop Earth observation based solutions to society’s most pressing problems. This report features success stories from around the world that address information needs in specific areas where Earth observation is critical to advancing engagement.