May 22 – June 2, 2023

Louis Calder Center – Biological Field Station, Fordham University

There is still time to Register!

We are pleased to again offer our summer freshwater algae field course. We focus on all groups of freshwater algae from diverse aquatic habitats. Students and professionals can gain proficiency in (or sharpen up on) using taxonomic keys, examining ecological factors influencing algal biodiversity, and collect high-resolution algal images and voucher specimens.

Instructor: Dr. John Wehr ( )

We are located in southern New York state in a wooded preserve that includes a 10-acre mesotrophic lake. We are less than an hour from New York City, and a short distance from the Appalachian Trail, the Hudson River, and many pristine and human-influenced aquatic ecosystems. We will sample a diverse range of lake, pond, and river habitats. We provide a full array of sampling gear, microscopy facilities, and an extensive taxonomic library.

    Algal images from our lake:

    About the field station:

    Housing at the field station, as available, by request ( ).

Registration is now      Deadline:  March 30, 2023.

    – Registration Fee: $1,800.  Cost includes on-site housing (limited number).  Meals not provided.
– Transportation costs to and from the field station must be arranged by the student.

Interested or QuestionsContact John Wehr ( ) or Alissa Perrone (

IWA Water and Development Congress, Rwanda

7th IWA Water and Development Congress & Exhibition
10-14 December 2023, Kigali, Rwanda

Announcement and launch of call for submissions

The International Water Association is pleased to announce that the next edition of the Water and Development Congress & Exhibition will take place on 10-14 December 2023 in Kigali, Rwanda and that details of the call for submissions are now available.

With an overarching theme of water, sanitation, and climate resilience – keys to a water-wise future, the 2023 edition will present solutions spanning water and sanitation services, the role of water in urban areas, the links between cities and basins, and the opportunities to achieve climate resilience.

Huge investments are being directed towards water and sanitation infrastructure, particularly in the Global South, and the event will encourage participants to share knowledge on innovations in science and practice, highlighting the opportunities of securing new and effective solutions in water and sanitation policy, technology, and management.


Two USEPA Clean Water Act ORISE Fellowships – USA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Nonpoint Source Management Branch (Clean Water Act Section 319 program) expects to hire two ORISE participants; this announcement is open through March 24.

View the announcement or submit your application here:

About these positions:

These ORISE participants will provide research support across a varied nonpoint source (NPS) topic areas: (1) research and analysis to support the Clean Water Act Section 319 NPS Program, including national-scale research on state NPS management strategies, watershed-scale conservation practices, and evaluating water quality results in proposed NPS success stories, (2) support for EPA’s work with partners to manage nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin, including research and outreach related to the Hypoxia Task Force efforts, (3) programmatic and technical research to support EPA’s Healthy Watersheds Protection Program, and (4) research and data analyses to support partnership work between EPA’s Nonpoint Source and State Revolving Funds programs.

Still Open! NOAA Support Job: University of Maryland SST Remote Sensing

A global Sea Surface Temperature scientist vacancy announcement has been posted to the University of Maryland job board. Applicants are invited to now apply to the position, which is slated to be open until March 15, 2023.  Note this position is not a NOAA federal job opportunity, but is for a support position offered through a Cooperative Institute – Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS) of the University of Maryland, College Park. UMD seeks a scientist to assist in the development of a new bias correction scheme for the 40+ year record of satellite global sea surface temperatures.  This work is a vital aspect of the production of NOAA’s next-generation long-term SST dataset, linking modern high-accuracy observations from current satellite data to those obtained from historical sensors.

Find out more and apply here:


United Kingdom Earth Observation Data Hub User Pilots Call for Applications!

The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) is pleased to announce the commencement of activities for the EO Data Hub project.

FAQs on the user pilot call will be uploaded once questions are received.

This announcement has the primary aim of engaging the user community in the development of the EO Data Hub. It seeks input from potential users, communities and stakeholders to demonstrate EO services and data supply concepts which would be enabled by the EO Data Hub.

The selected projects in this call will help to specify the functionality, software and desirable data streams in the Hub and obtain early access to the Hub as it is implemented.

Find out more at this link