GEO AquaWatch Announces New Code of Conduct and Working Group Structure!

Since our 2022 Biennial Meeting and with the expert leadership of an ad hoc Governance Committee, GEOAquaWatch has simplified and streamlined our Working Group structure and created a new Code of Conduct for our membership.   These efforts build off the recent formation of our Early Career Society, update the long-established Management Team and Steering Committees, and implement our DEI Policy Initiative-wide.

With these modifications and improvements, GEO AquaWatch hopes to better reflect the diverse global water quality community.

We are also excited to have finished that reorganization process and to get on to the fun activities we’ve been brainstorming in our Users and Technical Working Groups.

Earth Observation in Support of Water Action UN Water Conference Virtual Side Event

UN Environmental Program, in partnership with Deltares, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat, Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands, GEO AquaWatch, GEO BluePlanet, GEOHealth, EO4SDGs, Brockmann Consult, and GEOGloWS is hosting this 90 minute virtual official side event for the UN Water Conference.  

The goal of this side event was to introduce Member States and interested parties to the utility of Earth Observations for water monitoring and identify cross-sectoral partnerships that can support the Water Action Agenda

Date: March 20, 2023

Time: 10:00-11:30 EDT (14:00-15:30 UTC)

the link to the resource page including presentations and the recording

2023 William T. Pecora Award Nominations due May 1, 2023  

The William T. Pecora Award is presented annually to individuals or groups that have made outstanding contributions toward understanding the Earth by means of remote sensing.  The Department of the Interior (DOI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) jointly sponsor the award.

The award was established in 1974 to honor the memory of Dr. William T. Pecora, former Director of the U.S. Geological Survey and Under Secretary, Department of the Interior.  Dr. Pecora was a motivating force behind the establishment of a program for civil remote sensing of the Earth from space.  His early vision and support helped establish what we know today as the Landsat satellite program.

The Award Committee must receive nominations for the 2023 award by May 1, 2023.  Additional information can be found at here or on the attached flyer; and questions can be directed to the Committee at



Open Call for Innovation Challenges in Water Quality

WMO, UNEP, UNESCO, WWQA, JRC-ISPRA and IAEA has just launched an Open Call for Innovation Challenges aiming at collecting proposals for challenges faced in the water quality monitoring and assessment. The selected challenges will be put forward in the upcoming Innovation Workshop taking place in June 2023, to explore innovative ideas and identify solutions to address them.
Please find here the dedicated webpage, which includes both the information on the Workshop and the Open Call. It would be great if you could support us in spreading the information on the Open Call through your network and channels, so we can reach out to as many people/communities/organizations as possible in the water quality sector.

USA Early Career Opportunity! 2023 Cornell Satellite Remote Sensing Training Program

The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Group will sponsor early career participation in 2023 Cornell Satellite Remote Sensing Summer Course

2023 Cornell Satellite Remote Sensing Training Program

June 5-16, 2023 (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY)

The Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program will support five US-based students or postdocs to participate in this course, including tuition, housing, and a travel stipend. To apply for support, please send your 2-page CV (NSF biosketch format) and a brief statement of interest (1 page max) to the OCB Project Office ( by March 17, 2023. The statement should describe your interest in the course and its potential to enhance your research and your professional development. Application materials will be reviewed by the OCB Project Office, OCB Scientific Steering Committee leadership, and the course organizer Bruce Monger (Cornell Univ.). Please bear in mind that this is a full immersion class and participation for the entire 2 weeks is required. Visit the course website ( for more information about the course content. If you have additional questions about the course, please contact course organizer Bruce Monger (