About AquaWatch

Community members using public drinking water source..

Water quality is essential for human, ecosystem, and economic health.  Degradation of water quality can result in human exposure to disease and harmful chemicals, reduction in productivity and diversity of ecosystems and damage to aquaculture, agriculture and other water-related industries.






AquaWatch is an Initiative within the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) that aims to develop and build the global capacity and utility of Earth Observation-derived water quality data, products and information to support water resources management and decision making.


The goal of the AquaWatch Initiative is to develop and build the global capacity and utility of Earth Observation-derived water quality data, products and information to support effective monitoring, management and decision making.  AquaWatch encourages activities to engage, and be led by, early career scientists.


The objectives to achieve this goal are:

Objective 1: Facilitate effective partnerships between the producers, providers and users of water quality data, products and information.

Objective 2: Improve analysis and integration of in situ and remote sensing water quality data.

Objective 3: Develop and deliver fit-for-purpose water quality products and information services.

Objective 4: Support technology transfer and access to water quality data products and information.

Objective 5: Advocate for increased education and capacity for the use of water quality information for decision making.