Extended until Feb. 21! Call for Nominations for the GEO AquaWatch Steering Committee


AquaWatch, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiative is developing and building the global capacity and utility of Earth Observation-derived water quality data, products and information to support effective monitoring, management and decision making. The Management Committee is currently seeking nominations to serve on the GEO AquaWatch Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee provides guidance, recommendations, and opportunities for engagement in the water quality community Serving on the Steering Committee will provide an opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of stakeholders in remote sensing and in-situ water quality, aquatic and estuarine management, aquatic and estuarine policy and sustainable development, and to identify priorities and projects that link water quality observation providers with users.

The Steering Committee will meet in person once yearly and quarterly via teleconference. Steering Committee members are expected to cover their own travel costs, although limited funding may be available to support representatives from developing countries. Steering Committee members serve a 3-year term with the potential for two one-year extensions. The expected time commitment is 5 to 10 hours per month.

This call seeks individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise within the water quality community including governmental agencies; academia; industry representatives; and non-governmental-, non-profit-, and intergovernmental-organizations. A variety of stakeholder perspectives is sought from the data production to the end users.

The call seeks individuals with:

  • Responsibility for protection and stewardship of inland and coastal waters;
  • Public administration supporting conservation planning, habitat restoration, ecosystem services, sustainable management practices;
  • Environmental law and standards, or policy and diplomacy of water quality uses;
  • Science communication, education, and outreach;
  • Hazard mitigation and disaster response management.

Selected nominees will receive invitations to serve from the Management Committee co-chairs. Those nominees not selected, however, may be invited to join one of the GEO AquaWatch working groups.

For additional information about GEO AquaWatch, please see the:

 If you are interested in nominating a member to the GEO AquaWatch Steering Committee, please send the name and contact information of your nominee along with and brief statement on the nominee’s experience and expertise relevant to GEO Aquawatch to info@geoaquawatch.org with the subject line “Nomination for GEO AquaWatch Steering Committee” before February 21, 2018. Self-nominations are welcome.

Click here to download a here of the call.

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