Contribute to Citizen Science Best Practices – IHE Delft/Dickinson College

We’re reaching out on behalf of IHE Delft and Dickinson College-ALLARM to connect with you on our mutual interest in promoting best practices for leveraging  citizen/community science in natural resource management, and specifically water resources.  They are currently compiling guidelines for practitioners and researchers on effective approaches for designing water-related citizen/community science initiatives: for achieving intended goals, for recruiting diverse audiences, and for sustaining participation over time.

To that end, we would like to ask for your input regarding relevant resources to inform best practices in designing water-related citizen/community science programs, such as academic or grey literature, reviews, evaluation reports, organizational resources, project deliverables and/or case studies in which you have participated or are aware of. We will be sure to cite and acknowledge your contributions.

Please send links/DOI or attachments to Resources received by 21 July 2024 will be included in the analysis.

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